So, we might be moving - nearby, but still. A move is a move. It's hugely exciting to think of having a house that works better for our family, but it means I'm not sure what to do about planting anything. I don't want to invest in creating a big raised bed (a la Square Foot Gardening) if we're going to be having to show our current house in the next month. Even if we didn't mind the look, could we move the garden to the new place? I don't think I'm up for the investment of time with so much else going on.
Still, I want to have my son see things come to life, so we'll at least do some container gardening again. We started some seeds a few weeks ago, and I decided to try some more after transplanting what I had. After a ton of rain the next day, I'm pretty sure we'll be starting over from scratch and hope the next batch of seeds take off in the yogurt cups as well as the first ones did. Not sure if these efforts will yield anything, but at least we're digging in the dirt and creating green.
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