Thursday, May 1, 2008


"No one in my family has food allergies, so I'm not worried about starting the baby on solids in any special way."

I've heard lots of well-meaning mamas utter these words with a shrug. On one hand, I admire their faith that everything will work out okay. Optimism and hope can go a long way.

However, we are living in an age in which food sensitivities are real, dangerous, and far more common than they used to be. Our world is not the same one our grandparents inhabited. Lots of folks claim that they ate whatever they wanted and so did their parents, and "we all turned out okay." The definition of "okay" is relative. With today's rates of cancer, autoimmune disorders, autism, depression, obesity and diabetes, I'd venture to say we could be a lot more "okay" than we are.

When I look at photos of me as a little girl, the dark circles under my eyes are alarming. After struggling with depression from a very young age, gastrointestinal problems for most of my life, and infertility in my 30's, I finally figured out that I cannot tolerate gluten or casein, the proteins in wheat and some other grains, and cow's milk, respectively.

My health journey has taken me down many roads. As a result of all I've experienced and learned with various healing modalities, I am committed to giving my son the healthiest possible start and to helping other parents support their children's health. In many ways, the path toward health for our children starts with our own paths toward health.

On this blog, I'll share stories and information about allergy elimination, nourishing food, homeopathy, craniosacral therapy and other modalities to support your family's health.

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